Lunch RPG turn into money making game
Published on October 1, 2004 By klc1307 In Websites
Battleon, a well known rpg, turns money making

on Oct 01, 2004
Ha! I've played this before. Idle fun. Quite funny sometimes, especially the monster names. It was mostly free when I played it (you would have to pay to play some extra content.)
on Oct 01, 2004
how much does it cost now?
on Oct 01, 2004
No, its free, but you can hardly do anything!
Only if you become a Guardian Sponsor ($14) then you can play the full game.
on Oct 09, 2004
Cool game ive been on it myself, are there any cheats?
on Oct 09, 2004
Its so borin...g..... not. Though you have to become a guerdian to have the ful bennefiet.